Schilddrüse vergrößert, was kann es sein?
ich war beim Arzt und eine vergrößerte Schilddrüse wurde festgestellt, die ersten Blutwerte sind allerdings alle in der Norm und keine Knoten wurden gefunden.
Es wird nun noch ein Wert nachgereicht, um zu schauen ob es was mit einer Autoimmunkrankheit handelt.
Wenn die nun aber auch negativ zurück kommen sollten, was könnte es noch sein?
Promise your questions, please, with your doctor, is a laity forum, here such things cannot be resolved in a sound manner.
Since the causes are diverse, it does not help if someone answers the similar has experienced.
This is different from man to man.
I’m a doctor, but there’s nothing left. I just want to know what direction I need to think, thank you… please ask completely read
is a laity forum! At google there are the same answers as here on the platform, yes I have read the question and wrote the only suitable answer
I know that you don’t want to live in ignorance, but here nobody can tell you what’s going on!!!!!!!!!!
Hello go to the doctor,
I’m a doctor, but there’s nothing left. I just want to know what direction I have to think, thank you… please ask ml read very
iodine salt can also help
that’s enough, easy salting, also takes some time to help, but when you’ve been using iodine salt so far, it can’t be due to it, must be another problem
Have also iodine and selenium salt for food here, but only slightly season with salt idR
I also had a bit thicker neck, iodine salt recommended to me the doctor and also helped, have since then a normal neck as he should be, I always mic iodine salt with normal salt
Had I asked the doctor who said if jod was the problem, the blood values would be different
A lack of iodine