Schienen Suizid Reisende im Zug?
Was passiert mit den Reisenden im Zug nach einem Suizid?
Was passiert mit den Reisenden im Zug nach einem Suizid?
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Hey ich fahre bald mit meiner Klasse nach Frankreich mit dem Bus und dann mit dem Schiff nach london wie sieht es da mit kippen aus? Also können das diese Drogen Hunde richen oder isses wahrscheinlich das meine ganzen Sachen kontrolliert werden? Eine schnelle Antwort wäre wirklich nett🙏🏻
The route is then blocked for the Kripo, which unfortunately has to check whether there is a crime. To this end, the counter track is almost always locked.
Unfortunately, the condition of the victim is mostly clear so that you can see that it is no longer compatible with life.
rail replacement traffic is organised for the journey; Unfortunately, this has only a very limited capacity. After a corresponding waiting time, you continue to a station. This can take hours, passengers also have to be supplied with water at least on site.
-> Unfortunately a very big stage for a sad occasion. And I am so sorry for the driver, Nobody thinks about it, especially not the victim before. This can ruin existences and people, not everyone is going to put it away. It can’t be practiced.
Be nice to each other.
You can wait until the train can continue.
My mother had seen it himself. She went with the ICE to visit me. She sat at the back and looked out to the back and suddenly, limbs and tissues flew up behind the train and spread over the track. After the train head came to the rear in the train and with the push of a button made the separating disc become milky and thus again my mother was amazed, a 3 hour waiting began. Then the train continued.
This is extremely important to the circumstances.
If it was like me, the train was halfway on the platform and halfway on the free track, then I could leave the front half of the train. The back half had to wait for the fire department.
If the locomotive is ready, all of them have to wait for the fire department.
With the fire brigade, the Caritas also came to ask for the passengers.
Then, depending on where the matter has happened, it is different that the travellers come to their destination. I’ve heard about buses and taxis that were sent directly to the accident center. In my case, they were able to take another train, which kept only a few minutes away by foot.
In the event of a real personal accident, the train must no longer drive. He’s being inspected by the criminal police. The police first came to me when they found that there was a body, they called the criminal police. The train then came directly to the workshop for inspection.
If no one is found, for example because the perpetrator came away like a miracle, without which the locomotive driver has noticed it, then the train can continue. This can take a good time depending on the speed of the operating forces.
You mean if one kills on the train?
Then the body will be pulled out and someday the ride will continue.
no before the train
well then the far scattered remains are disposed of in the blue sack and when the Kripo is finished and the route is free again, it continues.
They must wait until the journey can continue or have to travel with the replacement traffic.
And the replacement traffic is always there?
No. Then if there is it, of course. Otherwise they have to wait until the tracks are released again.
They continue the journey after cleaning the tracks.
If they have bad luck, they’re stuck for hours.
Usually the fire department comes with drinks.
Individual support for the next 24 – 72 hours.
No, no one can afford the effort. As a rule, experts present among the travellers help with this.
The society of travellers is also required to be constructive and supportive. It’s not a movie where you can watch popcorn feeding!
Be nice to each other.