Schienbeinwunde + langstreckenflug?

Hallo ich habe mich heute am schienbein verletzt und habe jetzt ein Loch im Schienbein. Mein Vater ist Arzt deswegen ist das kein Problem aber ich habe nächste Woche einen langstreckenflug und wenn ich das Bein hochlege dann brennt die Wunde auch nicht . Ich frage mich nur,wie ich den Flug überstehen soll oder wie lange es dauert bis Schienbeinwunden verheilen oder ob irgendwer Tipps hat( kompressionsstrümpfe habe ich schon).


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5 months ago

Something like that. I don’t remember exactly, but I was sick for two days, and after four days, the school route was quite bearable again. After a week it was okay with the pain. After two weeks or even less, the wound was ready to remove the plaster. Did not use compression stockings, it was simply a square of gauze, with iodine and a large plaster. However, until the scar has completely formed, it takes time.

Try to stretch the leg as well as long-haul flights you have more comfort than short-haul flights. If you don’t mind, you can take a tablet at least for the time. After the first two or 3 days, at least it became better with me

5 months ago

Ask your father who is the expert and knows the exact circumstances.

5 months ago

Depending on the depth of the wound, maybe next week it is already dense.

In the first class, you would have space enough to stretch the leg.

Good luck!

5 months ago

If your father’s a doctor, he should be able to answer these questions.

Unfortunately, I don’t know how long a cure lasts, but in a long-haul flight you can get up, you don’t have to sit all the time.