Schenkeltrense richtige Größe?
Ich möchte für meine Große eine Schenkeltrense besorgen, da wir neuerdings nach der Ecole de Legerete arbeiten.
Momentan hat sie eine normale Wassertrense, die Loch zu Loch 13.5 cm lang ist. Ich habe nun gelesen (, dass eine Schenkeltrense eine Nummer kleiner gekauft werden soll, als die Wassertrense. Habt ihr das auch so gemacht? Und warum?
Danke im Voraus und einen schönen Abend!
Whether your horse fits a little bit, or even half the number you have to look. It’s right that the legs should be on, but don’t press. You can work with every bite to Karl, just as well. The thigh trench makes it a bit easier for many horses, so it is also used in young horse work.
You have to try a little. In the case of a thigh, it is not necessary for the mouthpiece to look out on each side 0.5cm so that it comes down with the number smaller. The leg must be calm.
So I’d see how far the current bite looks out and order both sizes.
a bite fixed in the horse maul makes the situation for the horse neither better nor pleasant.
the watertrense allows the horse maul at least a minimal movement. the thighs lie like a steel clamp in the maul.
it is normally taken a half centimeter smaller so that the lever action is not even so painful and horrific for the horse.
note: the longer the lever, the aua.
a simple curved rod trense is the best for the horse from cheap bites. or at least a double-broken normal trense.
no matter which rides and which guru – A matching bite is enough for each ride, and the bite should adapt to the horse maul, not vice versa. because vice versa it is not possible.
What is the Ecole now again. No, you don’t have to buy sis smaller. Try best
I didn’t buy them smaller, no.
What do I ask myself, but what does the Trense have to do with the Ecole?