Scheidenpilz / Infektion?

Woher kann man alles scheidenpilz oder Infektionen bekommen und was kann schlimm enden?
Welche Symptome?
Gerne eigene Erfahrungen 🙂

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1 year ago


Scheiden Pilz has many causes:

  • unhygienic handling of the intimate area
  • unprotected sexual intercourse
  • Hormonal cause for weakened vaginal flora
  • Stress
  • wearing synthetic underwear
  • sit on cold and unhygienic seat surfaces (without underpants and only with skirt, for example)
  • Swimming pool
  • dirty fingers when masturbating
  • uvm.

It can only end badly if it is not treated in time or worsened by further triggers. Then it can rise, cause infections and inflammations, a multibacterial vagina could arise because the vagina no longer has defence forces, the uterus can ignite, the egg guides can stick and lead to infertility, the bladder can become infected and from there the infection can rise further into the kidneys and lead untreated to a kidney failure.

It doesn’t have to happen. Depending on why the vaginal fungus has emerged and how to deal with it rises or decreases the chance of such horror scenarios. Therefore, when suspected of vaginal fungi, buy a cream, apply and go to the gynecologist.

The symptoms are itching, according to fish smelling outflow, changed color from outflow, burn, pain during sex, depending on stage also inflammation and fever.


I hope I could help you 🙃

Good luck 🍀



1 year ago

I believe another cause can also be that you can find yourself in public toilets (on campsites or the like) symptoms in any case itching

1 year ago

vaginal mushroom can have many causes, e.g. antibiotics, problems with hormones, stress etc. Symptoms are usually burning and itchy