scheideneingang juckt sehr?
gestern abend hat meine scheide sehr dolle angefangen zu jucken und weil ich da halt durchgehend dran gerieben und gekratzt habe hat es auch richtig angefangen wehzutun und jetzt wenn ich da anfasse tut es richtig weh und es juckt halt immernoch (es ist auch bisschen rot da) ich hoffe da ist nichts schlimmes oder so?
Go to the doctor and let him know if it’s a PILZINFECTION. You’ll also get a prescribed Medikamebmnt
Go to the women’s doctor on Monday and let you see if an inflammation has occurred, a fungal infection that has pervaded the vaginal environment.
You can get medicines against all these diseases. Don’t worry, it’s safe to treat.
If you have a wound ointment at home, e.g. Bepanthen, apply it to the roasted areas that the mucous membrane can regenerate.
Good improvement for you.
pretty sure a mushroom. Sounds bad but can happen very quickly if you wash too much shower. In the dm there I even believe cream for divorce mushroom but would go to the pharmacy because you actually get everything for it without prescription and also helps very quickly.
but my outflow does not stink and is normal
does not always have to be like that. There are different.
You have to go to the doctor.
Possibly a vaginal mushroom
it is not
Then turn to the doctor
Kling to mushroom