Scheiden infektion? Was los?
Hi und zwar ich bermerke seit paat stunden wenn ich meine scheide berühre auch beim klo beim abwischen brennt/juckt es. Hab mit spiegel nach geschaut und am anfang der kleinen schamplippen bzw am scheideneingang sind so komische punkte so rot und ich würde sie vergleichen mit den punkten (glaube papillen) auf der zunge so sehen die aus, was kann ich tun? Google sagt es kann alles sein. Will nicht zum arzt ist mir unangenehm aber wollte erst mal hier fragen..
Anything can be possible. Many causes are justified in washing. The area is colonized with special bacteria displace the fungi and harmful bacteria, when washed thoroughly these “good” bacteria are removed, then the “bad” can settle.
Do not overdo with washing, and then use special intimacy lotion. It is unsuitable for so-called neutral soap, because it is neutral from the acid value, but below you need something more acidic. That’s why this special lotion.
So first wash properly, first change underwear regularly and don’t wear anything too tight to get air. If you’re lucky, it’ll be better.
But if it doesn’t get better next week you won’t come around for a visit to the doctor.
Okay, thanks, maybe may have been washed yesterday with normal body shower gel down also because I say it didn’t have pleasant smell more daeum I wanted to help… Should I have sex next time or not?
Please go to a doctor immediately!
No one here on a good question is qualified enough to make a suspicion of the description alone.
The symptoms you describe are too unspecific and for a secured diagnosis a physical examination and a test on pathogens is essential.
Please don’t leave too much time as some pathogens that colonize the urogenital tract can also lead to infertility.
Going to the doctor doesn’t have to be uncomfortable! I know you often hear that, but on the one hand you are a further patient for your gyn and you will certainly have nothing that she has not seen 100te males before. In the end, every person in the whole has the same structure…
Go to the doctor who can tell you exactly