Scheide juckt?
Hey,meine scheide juckt sehr häufig und danach blutet und brennt es danach und ich weiß nicht was ich tun soll,und mir ist das auch mega peinlich ich traue es meiner Mutter nicht zu erzählen und das will ich auch nicht weil es mir unangenehm ist und ich bin erst 13,was könnte ich tun?:((
Sounds like a fungal infection. But this should be explained medically just the first time, which would mean a visit to the female doctor. If you don’t want to do this, you can also get vaginal cups and cream in the pharmacy without a prescription, you just have to pay for it. If it isn’t better after a week despite treatment, you should definitely go to the doctor, then there’s no way to go and talk to your mother.
Sounds like a mushroom. Or get over and tell your mother about it. She is also a woman as if she understands it and can possibly also help you
LG ☀️
I want you to drink plenty of water, wash your intimate area with water every day.
If you do not dare to go to the female doctor or talk to your mother then you could go to the pharmacy and ask there, but best is you talk to your mother when it is a mushroom it can get worse then it leads to more pain and complications. Better to react early.
Let the whole time be examined medically. Without ointment, it doesn’t get better, rather worse. 😬
Go either to the female doctor or – if you’re embarrassed – discuss your problem with your family doctor.
Maybe a mushroom, best of all, you make an appointment with a female doctor who can help you better.
Go to the doctor
Let yourself be advised in the pharmacy.