Schaut ihr bei Mädels am Strand oder Schwimmbad auf den Hintern und auf die Brust??
Frage aus interesse und neugier.
Gern auch mit alter
Frage aus interesse und neugier.
Gern auch mit alter
Freunde und ich diskutieren in welchem Körperteil das meiste Blut ist. Einer sagt Arsch (weil Freund 3 fetten Gyatt), einer sagt Füße (weil unten), ich sage Schwanz (bin eregiert).
Mein Kollege arbeitet schwarz und hätte er das nicht gemacht, hätte er neben der Schule nicht sein Auto und Führerschein finanzieren können. In seinem Leben hat ihm keiner geholfen, also warum sollte er sich dafür interessieren, ob Schwarzarbeit legal oder illegal ist. Würde er normal arbeiten, müsste er voll viel abdrücken, weil seine Eltern von…
Hallenbäder sind irgendwie ziemlich klein. Bin etwas zurückhaltend, will ja nicht von anderen beobachtet werden.
Ich weiß nicht, ich finds intressant
Badeanzug oder Bikini, was findet ihr besser? Nur Weiblich
Of course, you look sometimes, but not a continuous staring, but a short subtle look
Hello that will certainly do most, take a look at it when I was young I never looked at it, I am a bit older and always look at it,
Yes, not only the water slides in the pool are exciting
No, I’m not looking at girls on their ass or chest.
Yes, I (M16) get involved again and again and I don’t want to… Is somehow more unconscious… Sometimes the person looks into my directional inf and think I got caught although it wasn’t on purpose… Fits at any size of chest and ass
Since I’m a little older, I’d say on the butt because I’m on very big breasts that don’t have so many
Definitely yes! I think every man who says no lies himself.
With me, it’s like that my look automatically depends on it. Who doesn’t like looking at a beautiful female body.
You shouldn’t stare!
M, 54, yes unconscious (please hold a man), but it doesn’t horn me up, find some It was nice to see that it was.
I almost always look at the girl’s breasts, especially when she wears a bikini. If she’s lying on a couch, I’ll look at her between her legs, so on the vagina. You can sometimes see something in front of the bikini.
I’m not staring, but I’m already looking at everything
Sure, but I’m not staring
Is also normal, beautiful day
sometimes, but not always
Yeah, I’ll take a look. Bin m14
Sometimes I accidentally look at the cashier’s chest. Men are like that.
I want to know if she’s more beautiful than me.
I female 16 always look
I male 18 want to know you
Yes clear m/17
Male 22
It doesn’t belong.
Also in school
Indirect but not intended
I’ll see (15).
It doesn’t give me anything.
No, I got a “Tunnel view“Where I only look into the face,
Benjamin Blümchen…
Mostly on the face, vagina and anus. At least I care about the breasts. Be male 14
Are you serious? 🤣
Yes, I am most interested in the vagina
is both checked… what else 🙂
Which man doesn’t?
I’m not looking at girls or men on the ass or chest.
Why not?