Scharm vor dem Zahnarzt was tun?
hallo Leute, ich war seit 2 Jahren nicht mehr beim Zahnarzt. Ich war in Behandlung bei einem Kieferorthopäden aber ich habe mich dort sehr unwohl gefühlt und die Behandlung abgebrochen. Jetzt habe ich Karies in den Backenzähnen und schiefe Zähne und ich schäme mich sehr dafür und hab nun eine Angst entwickelt zum Zahnarzt zu gehen. Außerdem hab ich letztes Jahr ein Praktikum beim Zahnarzt gemacht und gemerkt wie die zfa über die Patienten und deren Hygiene ab gelästert haben was soll ich jz machen?
Hello Anonymous,
it’s as it is now. Go to the dentist, he’ll judge it. He likes to do this, earns his money, and he’s seen it all.
And if then the tooth and caries are gone – teeth don’t forget;-)
Good luck!
Don’t worry, just go and tell me you’re not so comfortable, but you want to do all this now.
After the appointment, make a follow-up appointment and bring the thing behind you.
I used to work with a dentist and there are many people with the same problem as you.
And that helpers etc blasphemy isn’t really related to you that is just talking and on the evening they have forgotten you and your name and your teeth again.
This is nothing other than when sellers in a fashion business talk about the taste of their customers or craftsmen by fie furnishings from your house.
Don’t take this to your heart. They’re not your problem but your teeth will be if you don’t look at it.
All the best;)
And if the dentist does stupid in practice, and you’re stupid, you get up and go to another.
Let her go! It’s about your health!
Regular control once a year should be a good one…
And this was an exception, because that should not be and does not go. If you have experienced this, it is not generally the case with all dentists.
I don’t know anything about any of my dentists I’ve been with over my life. If that happens, change the ZA
You can be sure that the dentist has seen worse mouths than yours.
I know a dementia man who didn’t take the bite out for two years. Then he was taken to the dentist.
There are dentists specializing in anxiety patients. Maybe you’ll see if there’s one like that in your area.
Unfortunately, running away is no solution to a problem that will be even worse.
I personally searched for my dentist for a long time and found in Frankfurt because I work there
seek the doctor of your trust