Schamlippen dreifach so groß wie normal und blau, tut weh?
Die Schwellung geht seit über 38h nicht weg. Sie wird immer mehr blau Die Schamlippen. Ich weiß nicht, ob ich zum Frauenarzt gehen sollte oder nicht. Es ist sooo unangenehm! Und da unten ist nichts wirklich mehr wie ne Frau. Sieht aus wie die Eier beim Mann.
Was there any trigger for swelling?
And yes, as soon as possible – even without appointment – to the FA, in the morning! (Call call and sign the “emergency case” and say you’ll be right around)
Pretty unpleasant, but my friend wanted to try it. With a whip or what you call it
Then please cool… until the doctor’s appointment (please add a few minutes of cooling bags (from the refrigerator, NOT frozen), then at least again. Leave for 30 minutes uncooled.
… and… better again?
Definitively best for female doctor even gyn notklinik
yes you should go as soon as possible
Blue spots have their cause and last a few days, eh they pass.
Swelling, cool with ice!
After two three days, it’s over again.
Good improvement!
You should go to the doctor
Doctor’s a good idea.