Schaltwerk Probleme beheben?

Hallo liebe Community, ich besitze ein E-Bike und es war vor kurzem in der Reparatur da die Speiche und so kaputt war. Vor drei Tagen hatte ich mein E-Bike wieder abgeholt und seitdem springt der 8 Gang dauerhaft raus, da dachte ich mir dann stell ich mal die Gangschaltung neu ein gesagt getan, hab dann das E-Bike ausprobiert und dass Problem ist immernoch da. Die Kette wechselt immer vom 8 Gang auf den 7 Gang und wieder zurück, und wenn ich im 9 Gang richtig rein trete wechselt er auch vom 9 Gang zum 8 Gang und wieder zurück. PS: Die Ritzelkasette ist neu (kein verschliß) und das Schaltwerk hab ich so eingestellt das der 1 und der 9 Gang genau passen (hab nur “L” und “H” eingestellt.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Maximilian

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6 months ago

L and H are only stops that prevent the chain from jumping inside or outside. The circuit is set via the tension voltage. At the bottom of the gear, where the drawer is in, is a fine adjustment nut for it.

6 months ago
Reply to  Maxzocker562

Normally this is actually a sign of wear. Is the necklace new?

I assume, however, that the problem is different. In the setting screws, it comes to half a revolution. You have to do this very carefully. Switches it correctly from 3 to 4, all other gears should also work. It is only to be cautious that the gears come in both directions immediately.

When switching to a larger gear ring, i.e. a smaller gear, one can push a little on the shift lever. I use it so that the necklace can also walk down very quickly. To do this, I’ll take some tension out (fourth revolution?).

The other day, I had some thinking mistake in the back 10 times. It was related to the fact that the shift lever did not stand completely at the bottom (10). Check this!

The circuit is set to 9. Then you turn the inner limiter (applying a bit pure so that the thrower is almost under the second sprocket. In the position you screw the train. Advantage, you don’t have to pull it like a doofer when you screw it. The stop is reset, so that the thrower is again exactly below the first pinion. ieh da: the train is well stretched. Then the fine adjustment comes with one of the two adjusting nuts.

To do this, you switch to 4 or any other gear and control whether the gear is exactly below this gear. With the fine adjustment nut you can push or pull the gear directly vertically under the pinion.

Good luck.