Kann mir wer diese Schaltung berechnen und Schritt für Schritt erklären jeder Widerstand hat 10 Ohm ich brauch nur den r gesamt
Kann mir wer diese Schaltung berechnen und Schritt für Schritt erklären jeder Widerstand hat 10 Ohm ich brauch nur den r gesamt
Manchmal kommt wie ein kleiner Lichtblitz wenn ich mein Stecker in meine Steckerleiste stecke… Ich hab das manchmal schon erlebt.. Kann mir da auch was passieren bzw. kann ich davon sterben oder bleibt der Strom beim Kabel und springt nicht auf mich über?
Lässt sich o.g. Mobilrouter auch ohne (defekten) Akku betreiben? Hat das jemand hier evtl. mal zum laufen gebracht? Sonst würde das ganze in den E-Schrott wandern. Einen guten Rutsch und ein gutes neues Jahr 2024 gewünscht!
Hallo, ich verzweifle seit bald 2 Wochen am vergraben unseres Erdkabels. Nach dem ich nun 3x den Elektrikerbetrieb anrief der es verbaut hatte, hat dieser mit davon überzeugt, dass es ohne Schutzhülle in den Sand gelegt ausreicht. Auch partielle Lösungen für den Schutz des Kabels wollten nichts werden, und so muss es nun wohl oder…
hallo ich habe seid heute mein ps5 und habe die ganze Zeit schlechtes wlan jedes Mal wenn ich Fortnite spiele oder sonst was hab ich gar kein wlan woran liegt das was kann ich machen
Ich lebe in der Schweiz. Ich schliesse das an meine Steckdose an: Kann ich mich erden, indem ich die die Kontakte der Shuko-Stecker berühre? Sind das überhaupt Schutzkontakte? Und muss die Steckerleiste an oder aus sein? Kann mir jemand versichern, dass ich keinen Stromschlag kriege?
Here’s my workout. The step-by-step explanation you should actually be able to recognize at the successive concentration of the overall circuit to less and less resistance elements. Version has been corrected after notes of easylife.
The network looks the same with me (without the short-circuited R9;-) but with R_total Spice calculates slightly over 18.315 ohms. Something in your bill shouldn’t be right yet.
I reworked everything. Thanks for the tips.
At least R8 has disappeared somewhere…
It is very easy to redraw the circuit so that the current flow is easier to recognize (from top to bottom). It is then also easier to see in which sequence the resistors can be combined.
Update: and you can also get it, so image corrected 😉
First of all, it would be good if the picture was turned right. This can be checked and corrected by sending the question. Well…
It is important in the mixed circuit that all series and parallel resistors are separately combined to substitute resistors until the circuit is completely dissolved.
R1 and R2 are in series:
R12 and R4 are parallel to one another:
R3 and R7 are parallel to one another:
R5 and R6 are in series:
R124 and R37 are in series:
R12347, R56 and R10 are parallel to one another:
So, and from here, I really don’t like it anymore!
The picture is more common. When sending it is correct and here it comes to rotated.
Without the two buttons for image rotation directly in the picture view (arrow below right), I would have left this forum again. Sometimes the buttons for brightness and contrast control are missing;-)
Oh, guys, don’t make it so complicated!
Everyone can look at the pictures in his question and correct the situation – point!
I myself don’t like to have to copy and store a picture for an enlarged view before I can turn it. Because the possibility to rotate on GF now has the disadvantage that you always see the entire image in full screen, but do not approach the details.
In a new tab you can see everything big, but you can’t turn the picture.
Therefore, just the request: if you set pictures, then you control the situation even after sending. And correct them when the pictures are turned.
The buttons have anyone who looks at the picture (in the enlarged view), so not uploading. So anyone who sees the question can turn in the view still self as it is popular.
The wrong rotation is often due to how the (handy) camera is held. The gravity sensor is used to find out where the image is “top and down”, and this is stored in the image file to display high or transverse format later correctly. This works well in landscape and portrait recordings. In the case of photos that have been photographed almost vertically downwards (as here), this does not always work properly, since you have to turn manually. And some image programs do not use the stored information (whether high or transverse format) others.
I don’t know if that was a new program.
Haven’t uploaded a picture for a long time because they were always correctly displayed and then turned in the answer.
Obviously, this is still happening more often.