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do not peel, but I cut columns and take the core case out.
No! I’m fucking ashamed. Like watermelon or kiwi. But potatoes, carrots and apples certainly not.
There is no reason to eliminate the valuable vitamins. 🤷🏻
No, it’s almost never, unless they’ve been pretty upset.
Eat them in the whole, not cut into pieces.
No, mostly not. The peel of apples is easy to eat.
LG Zitro 🍋
If I eat them, no. Besides my little nephew, I’ll get a couple of pieces for him, I’ll remove the bowl as long as he has little teeth and could swallow himself.
For example, if I do apple cake with it, then yes. Then I usually cut the bowl a little thicker and at the same time eat.
No – I always eat with bowl; peeled only when the apple slices come into the flour pancakes…😅
Usually not. Rarely there are so hard bowls, I’ll do it before. Or, of course, for apple or cake.
I eat with bowl :3
Can not eat without
No, I eat them with bowl
Mostly with bowl.
No, for what? 🙂
With me, they are always undamaged
rubber ball
Apples taste better
You really don’t need to peel apples.
No, I’ll eat them with a bowl.
No, I’ll eat the vitamins.
Nope. When it goes, I don’t even peel potatoes or onions.
In potatoes it is understandable, but the peel of the onion is inedible.
Are you peeling water?
Before you let me go.
Surface tension.
No, I never do.
I don’t eat apples and I wouldn’t peel them either.̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄