Schälende Lippen sind vor/zu Beginn eines Herpes-Anfalls eher unüblich, oder?

Ich habe im Internet bei den größten Quellen geschaut. Es kein regulären Symptom bei Herpes, dass zuerst die Lippen anfangen sich zu schälen, oder?

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2 years ago


So, peeling lips have never been a sign of lips.

If I feel these tingling in an area of the lip edge, and then this in conjunction with itching…. then I know.

2 years ago

Hello, you may be a coincidence that the lips have peeled off now.

PS. I also had a herpes before yesterday, and I did honey on it, and the next day—schwuppdiwupp everything disappeared. Oh, my God.

2 years ago

No, if it starts to itch then it doesn’t take long.