Schaffe ich den Anschlussflug in Atlanta?
Ich fliege erst zum zweiten Mal und dieses Mal geht es nach Miami von München aus über Atlanta. Ich habe die Flüge über ein Reisebüro gebucht und ich fliege mit Delta Air Lines (auch der Anschlussflug nach Miami). Ich war noch nie in Amerika und natürlich ist man jetzt einige Tage zuvor sehr aufgeregt, was auf einen zu kommt. Ich habe auch nur 1Std. 43 min. Zeit für den Anschlussflug. Meint ihr dass das überhaupt ausreicht?
Und was ich noch nicht so ganz verstehe ist, ich komme in Atlanta an, gehe durch die Kontrolle, hole mein Gepäck (muss ich noch abklären ob es vielleicht auch automatisch weitergeleitet wird), dann werden ja noch die Fingerabdrücke genommen, nochmal dieser Ganz Körper Scan und glaub nochmal eine Zollkontrolle.
Stimmt das ungefähr? Meine Frage wäre muss ich dann zum international oder domestic? Das ist etwas was ich noch nicht verstehe. Weil der Anschlussflug in Terminal S ist. Das genaue Gate erfahre ich noch die Tage.
Ich habe auch nachgelesen, dass es innerhalb des Terminals keine Smoking Area’s gibt. Stimmt das auch?
Ich hoffe jemand kann mir weiterhelfen und mich ein wenig beruhigen.
Vielen Dank fürs Lesen
Lg Sylvi
If the ticket is booked on a ticket, that is from Munich or other airport in Germany to Miami, then you can assume that the time is enough if not, then you will be rebooked to the next flight by the airline.
You need your suitcase by yourselfCustoms dutiesbringing in, often there are bands for Connecting Flights to which the suitcase can easily lay.
Nevertheless, you have to get back through security. There is no transit area.
No, you have to do that yourself. You’re going to Atlanta. There you have to go through immigration and customs.
This is the entry procedure. Fingerprints, Iris scan and interview.
Travelers who still want to smokeor vapeat Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport will find designated areas outside of the domestic and international terminals at least 25 feet from the terminal entrances. Anyone defying the new ban will be subject to a $200 fine. smoking-lounges/
Thank you for your answer. It helps me. I think you always think too much too much. So I’m so human. But you should not read so much on the Internet.
What do they mean there is no transit area? Excuse the many questions. But it’s my second flight.
There is no special area for transit passengers.
All international passengers travel (must be through immigration) and continue to fly like inland
You can fill out your customs form before:
Thanks for the star ⭐!
Yeah, but if it’s tipped, it’s normal spelling. It’s about readability
Yeah, you do. And the approximate value converted into $.
I just have a few questions about the customs form.
Do I have to print it in English or can it be in German?
And should you just fill it in capital letters?
If I want to take three welded packs Lindt Lindor balls. Do I cross food with yes and then put it in the column on the next sheet?
Excuse the many questions.
Okay. I didn’t know.
Thanks for the link. That’s really nice and then it’s already done.
So it’s definitely possible to get the connecting flight.
But I would say that the chances are very good that you missed him.
At the German airports there has been chaos since Corona and it often takes forever at the security controls. Therefore, the passengers often come to the gate too late and the flights are also often delayed.
If your flight is late, you’ll have less time to change.
Then you have to enter the USA in Atlanta. This now goes “relatively” fast, as it can now be done at these machines. But it can be that you have to wait a while at the snake.
And then you have to get back through the security check. If a lot is going on, it can take a long time.
Atlanta is actually a well-organized airport. But it’s getting close.
Okay. Thank you for your answer. Of course, it doesn’t make me so calm now, but good. I arrive at 14:55 local time in Atlanta and the connecting flight is 16:36 local time. So I can only hope that everything will run smoothly. But would it have offered the travel agency at all if it is not possible to get the flight?
I’m not saying it’s not possible to catch the flight. It is definitely possible. It can only be that it becomes too short.
I’ve never flew to another destination in the USA with stopover in Atlanta. But I flew from Frankfurt to Mexico with a stop in Atlanta. At that time, I had about 4 hours of change. And that was very good. If I had only had three hours, I would have missed the flight. Maybe a domestic flight is faster. But you can’t always rely on it
My experience after working in most travel agencies people who have no idea about traveling. That’s why I always care about such things myself.
And it’s just like that:
Delta Airlines offers the flight, so it also offers your travel agency. And Delta is pretty nasty if you can make the transition or not. If you don’t get it, you’ll be relocated to the next free flight. You still come to the finish, but it can happen that you have to wait many hours.
All right. I am curious:)
I push the thumbs that everything works
Thank you for your answer. I then write here in the comments whether I did it or not 😉
If you’ve booked this through the travel agency as a flight, that’s not a problem normally.
Suitcases are checked “safely safe”.
You travel to the USA in Atlanta, now goes back relatively fast.
Look here:
I haven’t flew the route yet but many others to the USA and elsewhere, normally I look there that I have 1.5h time, you even have more. Shouldn’t be a problem.
About Anna
who gives such an answer has never been in the USA. The suitcases have to be picked up and the inch will be carried to you.
You are checked automatically so the TSA lock for your suitcase is recommended here in case of suspicion the luggage is simply opened. I have a note inside that the baggage was checked regularly. It’s been a few years.