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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Alcohol is never healthy, but can be particularly harmful at an age when the body has not yet grown. Only the adult organism produces small amounts of it without damage.

Drinking without risk – is it?, consumption/

Unfortunately, we always know what damage occurs when it comes to this. The less and the less often you drink, the less likely that this happens.

2 years ago


The liver can only decompose a small amount of alcohol (highest 13 grams) until the body has matured at 21 years. During puberty, the alcohol brings the rebuilding work in the body and the brain together. Alcohol is the cause of over 200 different diseases. The Teuflic of these diseases is that they develop in secret for many years and are usually no longer curable when they are diagnosed. The best protection against these wreaths and also against addiction and genetic changes is to enjoy only 21 years from time to time what is alcoholic.

2 years ago

Recently, the food recommendations for alcohol have been renewed by a study.

According to this, young men under 40 years should take a maximum of a schnapps glass (40ml) of beer PRO TAG.

Everything about it can and will have a negative impact on health. Mehr-als-ein-winziges-Bier-schadet-unter-40-Jaehrigen.html

2 years ago
Reply to  Luki55228

Thank you, that’s it… must be completely new!

2 years ago

Alk always hurts. Young people, not yet “made” organisms especially. Being drunk is nothing but alcohol poisoning. “Single to alkaline drinks” always destroys brain cells. Alk can be made of geniuses.

2 years ago

We also drank large amounts of alcohol every weekend at our youth time and again even in the week, still feel healthy today.

2 years ago

There is a supercurrent study that says (I have seen it twice and only hated the headline) , that young people should not drink alcohol at all or only in minimal amounts.

It was about two weeks ago.

2 years ago

It is very harmful if you drink a lot and regularly, whether youthful or not.

2 years ago

It’s harmful, it’s not good for the body at the age. Beer is not so bad yet many young people drink harder things like gin, vodka, whisky, liquor etc.

2 years ago

It is harmful to drink it every week, as the brain then runs slower with time. Common alcohol consumption in the middle age reduces mental abilities at age. But also total abstinence reduces the thinking ability, researchers have found out.

For example: A girl from my class is a single student since the 1st class. Since 1.5 years it has been completed 2-3 times every week, it has fallen on a 2nd cut. I’m 100% sure there’s no other reason for it.

2 years ago

Already harmful, your development is inhibited, just wait you’re c.a 20 then you can drink some beer or something.

2 years ago

The stupid one is the less you notice the damage.

2 years ago

Alcohol is always harmful. A stupid side effect of this pretty tan.

2 years ago

You shouldn’t drink alcohol until 21 because the brain cells kill, but okay if you start with 18

2 years ago

very harmful

2 years ago

Yes it is and forbidden!

2 years ago
Reply to  Einefrage785

Prohibiting isn’t what you think.