Schädlich 500g Spätzle zu essen?
Hey wollte nur mal fragen ob es schädlich ist das sind Eier Spätzle und esse sie wegen dem Aufbau oft.
Hello, I often have cravings at night or in the morning, always at different times, and then I eat a lot of nonsense like sweets and snacks, not a normal meal, and afterwards I am really full but I also feel really sick afterwards and I want to throw it all up really quickly because…
What if I am not hungry for days and hardly want to eat anything because of severe depression? I thought it was just heartbreak, but now I've ended up in a psychiatric hospital.
Hi guys, I'm lactose intolerant and would like to eat cornflakes but without milk. Is there an alternative? Please only things that you already have at home :)). Thanks in advance!!
Can you do that? Greetings 🙂
hey, Hat jemand tipps damit man weniger isst? Ich essen manchmal mega viel (in meinen augen) und danach fühle ich mich total schlecht. Am liebsten würde ich alles sofort wieder ausspucken. Ich denke immer, dass wenn ich etwas esse sofort zunehme. An manchen Tagen ist es auch so dass ich so gut wir garnichts esse…
Which foods are good for weight gain? I'm 15 years old, female. I'd like to gain 2-3 kg by summer, if possible. Do you have any tips? I don't want to track calories—it's bad for memory. By the way, I weigh about 48 kg and want to get to at least 51-52 kg, and I'm…
Can you eat?
LG your finger and good appetite!