Schädige ich mir selbst?
Vor weg ich bin erst 14 haha
Also es geht um meine zigaretten und gass sucht .
An sich finde ich 0 schlimm das ich kiffe und rauche aber ich merke das ich mich nicht mehr konzentrieren kann in der Schule .
Pro tag rauche in 6-8 kippen was den grass angeht rauch ich pro tag ein joint .
Meine lehrer sehen mich leider auch immer nur mit ner kippe in der hand das problemm ist aber das ich erst in der 8 bin und die auch wiederholen muss .
Abunzu geh ich auch bekifft in die schule
Your handling of cigarettes and cannabis seems problematic in several ways. So early and above all so often to consume cannabis, there is a risk that the brain cannot develop properly. Smoking itself is very bad for the airways and your lungs still in development.
In your place, I would stop consumption. Especially when I get out of school anyway, I have problems at school.
The sooner you stop, the easier it will fall. If you want this and need help, contact a trustee. That can be your parents, a trust teacher or your family doctor. Confidential advice is also available through relevant official bodies. Look over here:
Good luck!
Thank you!
Please, please.
Hello Pauline,
Unfortunately, as many others do, you do not consider the long-term consequences. Before the body is ripened for 21 years, it is overwhelmed with any noise. The brain is even matured at about 27 years.
Most of the consequences of noise abuse are shown many years later and then accompany you for your life. Then you can’t undo what you do today. If you can do it, stop with all the noise. If you don’t make it, contact a search counselling agency or
Tree school probably when everyone is cried and pregnant with 13 because you don’t know contraception. Keep going. You do everything right. If it’s going well, you don’t have to pay any citizen money in a few years.
Unfortunately not 🙂 I’m already aware that I have to go later
But my job is secured thanks to my family 👍
Trozdem a beautiful day still
Your “problem” – if you can call it a problem at all – is your immature, your current puberty and your misbelief that you get more recognition in school or in your circle of friends when you consume cannabis and smoke cigarettes.
Many at your age – some even younger – experiment with legal and illegal drugs. In this respect, you can only wish happiness that this experimentation with potentially hazardous substances is not the focus Your life will become aware or that your parents (authors) will be attentive in time.
If you don’t find your concentration problems and all the consequences that this ciffs up at your young age (e.g. that you have to repeat the 8th grade), why do you ask?
Yeah, you’re hurting yourself and destroying your life. Ciffs in such young years can lead to permanent brain damage and psychosis (the brain damage is already evident), do you really want that?
Declaring weaknesses of legal writing as “brain damage” (cannabis-related) is not only miserable – but roughly wrong.
From your type of question and your previous questions, you can easily realize that you are not aware of the danger of your action at all, which is quite funny and will not change anything.
So live your life, even if it goes towards Gosse.
I find very entertaining that you can no longer ask on a platter like these. I’m more old just aware of what I’m doing. I just wanted to think of people who have been through this
But aywa already day
My condolences. Search advice is available in many public free places of your city / region
Congratulations! You’re not just going to school, you’re going through your life with 14! Day by day more and more, beautiful new world!