Schadet Mountainbiken dem Rücken (Skoliose)?
Ich habe leichte Skoliose will aber Sport machen, weil das gut sein soll. Interessieren würde ich mich für Mountainbiken. Ist das gut für den Rücken und die Muskeln oder schadet das eher? Wenn ich keine wirklichen Sprünge mache ist es ok oder?
As long as you don’t run that extreme, it’s okay.
In mountain biking, the lower back (leaf fluidic acid) is more stressed by the forwardly inclined posture. Even with a scoliosis you can definitely mountain biking without pain.
A strength training of the back muscle always has a positive effect in sports activities.
Sport is even recommended for light scoliosis. Whatever sport.
I’d rather recommend tennis, because the movement sequences strengthen the back muscle.
No way! A doctor has advised against back problems because playing tennis is a one-sided burden
I have a slight scoliosis and I have had a positive impact in that I have never had more back problems since I started tennis again.
Tennis games are the worst sport for the back.
Tennis games are the worst sport for the back.
She’s good to mine.
Knee already suffered. Shoulder and elbows are safe, I play a bat by n ProKennex.
It only wonders how long? Your knees, your shoulders and the hips will also be heavily stressed.
Okay, I got picture book discs. I’m helping the built-up muscles.
OK interesting. My best friend was the opposite. After she started, they would get worse and worse and the doctor just stopped
Yes, yes.
honestly, there is no spine.