Schadet Eiweiß Pulver den Leber?
Moin Leute, ich war letztens beim Arzt und er meinte ich hätte ein verfettetes Leber und ich musste aufpassen und abnehmen,
Und ich mach zurzeit Diät aber ich komme leider nicht auf mein Eiweiß Menge die ich brauche, weil ich unteranderem vorwiegend (vegetarisch) ernähre.
Deswegen wollte ich mir jetzt Eiweiß Pulver kaufen, aber ich hab Angst das es meinen leber schadet.
You don’t have to. The protein you need to live, you take the normal food to you. Because with a reasonably balanced diet it is not possible to eat less protein than you need. With 100 g of cheese, half a liter of milk and two eggs a day, you already have one protein-rich breakfast eaten with 65 g of protein, with which the daily protein requirement is already sufficiently covered.
A chronic high protein intake (more than 2 g per kg body weight per day for adults) is harmful. This can lead to digestive, kidney and vascular anomalies and should be avoided.
But enough (and not excessive) to eat protein does not harm the liver.
However, you should bear in mind that eating a lot of protein, as well as eating a lot of carbohydrates or a lot of fat, contributes to an overcaloric diet, which in turn promotes the emergence of a fat liver.
He/she has to make diet, 100g cheese, 2 eggs and nen half litre milk, since he can be introduced directly to the liver ambulance
No, just stick to the food recommendation from your powder and then you don’t have to worry. Most of them are 30g a day.
Proteins are also found in herbal foods.
I don’t know how much you care about what your normal weight is and how much protein you are currently taking to you.
You know that you’re supposed to calculate your protein amount according to your normal weight, right?
No, the powder does not harm your liver as long as you stick to the quantities.
Avoid alcohol, paracetamol, palm fat (e.g. in Nutella) and fructose. With balanced diet, you don’t need additional protein. Too much protein hurts your kidneys.