Schaden von ein Schluck Codein?
Am Wochende war ich mit den Freunden unterwegs und von mein Freund der Freundes von mir hatte Codein dabei. Ich ganz neugierig daran gerochen und ein kleinen Schluck davon genommen. Das war mit Sprite gemischt. Hab ich davon schaden genommen?
The one swallow has long been largely metabolized and will not affect your life any further (if it should remain a swallow).
General information on the effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found here:
Thanks very much ⭐
Don’t worry. The danger lies in the repetition of such experiments. At the same time, you could also ask why you are not afraid of the consequential damage of climate change or the effects of fine dust stress.
The correct handling of intoxicating substances can be learned how to displace current environmental problems.
I don’t think so. Opiates have a very high addiction factor, so you better get your hands off in the future.
It depends on the dosage. Overdose can lead to a respiratory depression, a high overdose to respiratory arrest and death.