Schaden Stoßstange Unfall?
Mir ist jemand in mein neues Auto gefahren auf dem Parkplatz und jetzt sind minimale Kratzer an der Stoßstange hinten.
Laut Lackierer kommt smartrepair in Betracht da der Schaden relativ klein ist. Gespachtelt werden muss da nichts.
Hat man als Geschädigter nicht das Recht auf Komplettlackierung? Wahrscheinlich ist es irrelevant, da man die Lackstärke auf Kunststoff eh nicht messen kann und solange die Optik passt ist es egal und man erhält somit größtenteils den Originallack.
Kennt sich hier jemand aus wie das normalerweise gehandhabt wird?
You will be replaced by your damage, there are no great wishes to fulfill in addition.
All insurance companies are making huge losses.
Why would you have a claim? You have a right to proper and professional repair. The way there is no interest.
VW said to me that they are not allowed to perform a smartrepair due to warranty.
That’s why I was with those painters who said it wasn’t a problem.
The question is what is better or what is now professional?
If you don’t have body builders and painters, you should stay with oil change and brakes. I’m glad you went to the expert.
The view of VW!
In 2007, it was because “my wife made a Clio as a business car in leasing. He was two weeks old when a woman went back to park my wife. End of song 1400 Euro insurance damage. New bumper, varnish few mounts. It’s just a few shots. And no, that was a bookkeeper in the equipment, not even neblers, park pips or the like. Basecoat pot blue. I dropped out of faith at that time.
Probably too little info, depends on the age/state of the car, please add to the OP.
But if you don’t mind the causer. knowing the license plate, you can do it at its cost e.g. a specialist attorney for traffic law.
And if you don’t, you probably want to. a cheap repair?
Or is it about VK?
Not with a bagatell damage.