Schaben – Bernstein oder Deutsche Schabe?

Hallo zusammen ,

wir finden seit ca. ein bis zwei Wochen mind. jeden zweiten Tag ein Exemplar dieser Schaben. Da wir häufiger die Fenster zu unserem Garten auf haben, hoffen wir dass es sich hier nur um eine Waldschabe handelt? da diese nicht fliegen, haben wir Sorge dass es die deutsche Schabe ist.

LG und danke für eure Hilfe

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antnschnobe, UserMod Light

The first two pictures show nymphs an undamaged forest treasure, here the Ectobius vinzi (=Planuncus tingitanus) – Don’t be German!! No cockroaches

The third photo then an adult animal davin – also a harmless forest treasure: forest treasure

The German cockroach has like her nymphs, at the neck sign two very distinctive dark strips that I cannot recognize on your image

Forest damages are not household damages – they live in bushes and shrubs, feed on rotten plant material, so go after a few days in the house lacking food itself. You don’t have to do anything against her.

From the trees and shrubs of the surroundings they come – and should also return there. ;

1 year ago

none of them.

1 year ago

When are they coming? During the day or night? Cockroaches (German cockroaches) are night-active and would escape from light. Forest damage can also be encountered during the day, which do not shy away from light. If you find one again, she’ll light up with a flashlight. The German cockroach would go away. Another indication of a seizure would be the Kot. It’s just a few millimeters tall and looks like coffee powder.

1 year ago
Reply to  CoinSchmitz

It’s been like this for a few days. Either in the living room even found one in the nursery. We weren’t there for two weeks and the window was open. In the living room the balcony door is constantly open and I also meet which often during the day and night. According to pictures, it looks like a forest treasure. What I hope strongly