Scam – Polizeilich relevant?
Ich bin gerade dabei eine Kamera zu kaufen. Der Verkäufer und ich haben auch sehr lange telefoniert, er hat mir alles erklärt. Kam mir preislich entgegen und hat auch über 10 Anzeigen online.
Ebenfalls hat er mir Testvideos & Bilder geschickt per Whatsapp.
Nun die Frage, er lässt sich nur auf die Zahlungsmethode Paypal Freunde ein.
Kann ich, sofern es dann ein „scam“ werden sollte, über seine private Mobilnummer polizeilich vorgehen und mit einem Erfolg rechnen?
If you pay with Paypal friends, your money irreplaceable away and this is your own fault.
This would also be a violation of the Paypal terms of use.
Test: Imagine that your brother-in-law who lives near him can pick up the part with cash payment. If he rejects this with lazy excuses, you can be relatively sure he doesn’t mean it honestly.
If he lets himself in, of course you need a “faule excuse” that your brother-in-law doesn’t want to do that.
Good idea! Thank you!
Ask him why, don’t go into it, but if he thinks it SERIÖS confront him with the submission of “unseriousness” and don’t let you in such a thing!
Thank you.
Expect success? No, because scams are one step ahead of you.
They’ll check it out. Prepaid phones, people working as agents for them (e.g. to enter their bank account) etc.
he could have telephoned with a shipyard phone.
In principle, the police can locate the user via the number.