Saxonette luxus springt schlecht an?
Die saxonette springt relativ gut an wenn sie kalt ist aber wen sie warm ist will die einfach nur schwer anspringen und auch wenn sie warm ist ein moment seht und ich dan gas gebe säuft sie ab und springt relativ schwer an wieder was kann ich tun?
Check the air filter and the float at the right angle to the valve shooting.
At present it seems to be a little too fat to run, especially when the center electrode of the spark plug goes from the injection into the dark brown to black.
Has helped jump a lot better when it is warm and so far no longer from who it stands for many thanks to 👍
Thank you for your interim message. 😉
Now look again at the exhaust and manifold with regard to some cleaning requirements internally .
Such a saxonette – Leichtmofa has already had a few decades on the hump since its last original release with corresponding running performance in operating hours.
Hold one after another. ☺
As I said, one after another. Oil tar also collects dust particles over the decades, and then resinates in itself sometime.
Just think one step further.
Shaft sealing rings and other sealing elements made of rubber derivatives also do not remain dimensionally stable for decades, flexible and increased / unspröde .
Yep but the saxonette didn’t run much for his age should change but now when warm gets still thanks 👍
Mfg Dr_Smile
That could be the main nozzle of the carburetor. The carburetor should be cleaned thoroughly.
Okay, actually, I’ve already made the carburetor clean three times with brakes isn’t long ago you could have been another idea what can be capped?
Mfg Dr_Smile