Sauna kleines handtuch?
Passt es in die Sauna mit einem mini Handtuch zu kommen? Man kann darauf Sitzen.
Passt es in die Sauna mit einem mini Handtuch zu kommen? Man kann darauf Sitzen.
Hallo ich treffe mich Morgen mit einer Freundin und da wo wir wohnen gibt es nichts was man machen kann, nur Spielplätze oder sowas halt. Was kann man machen das es nicht so schnell so langweilig wird. (Wohnen in Schwechat fallst das jemand kennt)
Hallo Leute ich hätte eine spezielle Frage an euch: Wer von euch war schonmal in einem Escape Room und wie ist es so dort macht es Spaß und die andere Frage wäre das was für mich als Herzpatient so ein Ort ich würde mich sehr über eure Kommentare freuen danke
Hallo, ich möchte dieses Jahr auf das Fest gehen und halt gerne nicht nur mittags dort sein, sondern Eben auch nachts weiter feiern bis zum Morgengrauen :). Eine Freundin meinte aber zu mir, es würde da sehr unmoralisch zu gehen – a la rimini oder lloret etc – ZB. Iwelche Akte hinter Zelten, Frauen und…
Hallo ich habe aktuell Urlaub. Muss auf 2 kranke Tiere aufpassen und kann dadurch die nächsten Tage nicht wegfahren. Zocken und TV ist langsam langweilig und ich habe hier nichts zu tun und keine Leute die vorbeikommen können. Habe ihr Tipps?
Es wird heiß und ich will ein Schwimmbad eröffnen. Am besten noch dieses Jahr, um selfmade millionaire zu werden. Wie gehe ich vor?
Hey ja eigentlich steht die Frage schon oben aber egal habt ihr irgendwelche Tipps gegen Langeweile am Wochenende?
Small is relative, but I don’t have a little towel to sit on, especially since a towel too small is relatively fast.
It doesn’t matter what towel, as long as everything from your body has no chance to sweat the wood wet.
Not good, po and feet have to find their place on the towel. So no sweat comes to the wood.
You have to sit with the whole body on the towel so that no sweat can get on the wood. This is not possible with a mini towel.
On a small towel, I think you mean a guest towel? That would be a mini towel you’ll get trouble because your feet would be on the wood…
So NO, the towel must be at least so big that no skin of you touches the wood of the benches, then everything is fine.
So there are SAUNATÜCHER, these are towels that are 0.8 x 2 meters and on
which can be placed completely, full length on it. Because most people are sitting in the sauna there is also a bath towel or just a towel, but as I said, the goal is: No skin on the wood!
Have fun!
LGtom sauna (
No, there’s a big towel in the sauna so that no sweat comes to the wood, the little towel isn’t enough.
As long as you can put on it, you shouldn’t touch the wood with your skin.
About Anna
I can’t cover my body anymore
The sense in a sauna is the free sweating of the body, not covering, covering or wrapping. Whoever does this is in a sauna, but he does not clean properly. Unfortunately, it is always a pity that the shame of some people in a sauna cabin hinders them themselves at the actual sweating. Anyone who has such problems should perhaps go to his own home or do without it as just doing “half” things.
in Germany it is common not to cover it while sauning.
That’s true, of course, but it doesn’t make it more correct, it’s more wrong… 🙂
The nations that are souring with bathing clothes also have not understood the sourcing and “interpret” their own way.
You have to take the ORIGINALE as a model.
These would be the Finns and the Russians who appreciate their Banja sauna rituals, of course IMMER without clothes. Germany also has a very exemplary sauna culture, which is even respected by the Finns… They often smile at us because of our “sauna rules”, but they respect our sauna culture, because the Germans, unlike the Finns, are more often “public” while the Finns keep this very family and among friends, but always without clothes, because it is just right.
The only arguments that speak for bathing clothes are therefore public slam feeling or religious rules…
These (poor for me) people must unfortunately do without proper sourcing due to their shame. Of course perfectly acceptable.
In Germany, we have built TEXTILSAUNEN for these people, some sauna facilities offer this. Of course, the cabins are not made so hot, because (synthetic) bathing things could be so bad and harmful to health… You can see that there are limitations here for “right” soaking.
The fact is: “Righty Saunieren” is always naked and always in a room of wood, therefore the name SAUNA.
and yes, England and America do NOT clean properly… 🙂
Most! German sauna walkers. Textile sows are not yet in excess and even if, there will always be “real” sows.
…just to explain…
However, it is probably that there is something “country-specific”… there are some countries where this is even more widespread, for example, even with bathing clothing to go to the sauna… 🙄️
But it also hangs a bit from the sauna… has already experienced saunas, e.g. at such spa resorts, where then relatively much sauna-inexperienced publkum is, that they all ‘envelop’
However, it is not that good, because the heat gets worse on the body when you are in the sauna with towel.
I’ve always put it down and never had a problem. But after I like to lay down the place (heat more evenly distributed), I find a big towel already well.
Is often also available for borrowing.
Oh, cool! In Austria, I was the only escaped in the sauna, and could not cover me because of my little towel
As long as it covers the wood if you sit on it you can also take a washcloth
No, just not because the feet would certainly not fit the washcloth…
I had also written if it would fit
It would not fit on a washcloth, not even approximate and not even theoretical… 😉
Therefore, washcloths and also guest towels in a sauna cabin are simply prohibited. It must be a towel, better a bath towel and even better a sauna towel.