Sauerteig neu anfüttern?


ich habe seit ca 1,5 Wochen einen aktiven Sauerteig. Seit 4 Tagen habe ich ihn nicht mehr gefüttert; weil ich bereits Brot damit gebacken habe. Solange steht der starter jetzt im Kühlschrank. Meine Frage nun: wie muss ich ihn wieder anfüttern, damit ich bald wieder Brot backen kann?

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5 months ago

Sourded in the refrigerator in closed screw cap glass without problems up to 6 weeks.

I’m not sure if you already know, but I write it anyway: if you do the dough you feed the sour part three times at a distance of six hours each with 100gr rye flour and 100gr water. If you take off the actual dough from the then 700grsaue part 100gr (3 tablespoons) and fill in a screw lid glass flushed out with hot water (without rinsing agent), you have a 1a sourdough as an attachment in the refrigerator for the next bread. It is only impossible to get to the sourdough. If you bake your bread with additional yeast, then UNBEDINGT only take off the approach, then touch and use the yeast.

I have cultivated my sourdough now since I believe 10 years, bake every week and have always 2 closed glasses sourdoughened in the refrigerator, which are always used on a reciprocal basis. This has a reserve if something goes wrong.