Satzzeichen richtig setzen?
Hi, wird es
„Ein Lösungsansatz ist die Rentenreform aus 2002 gewesen, die sogenannte Riester-Rente.“
„Ein Lösungsansatz ist die Rentenreform aus 2002 gewesen, die sogenannte „Riester-Rente“.“
Danke schon mal für eure Hilfe.
With the name “so-called” you can save the quotes at the Riesterrente.
Actually, it would be correct with a double point.
“A solution approach has been the pension reform from 2002: the so-called Riester-Rente.”
Hi, I agree with you.
In any case, you are right to write it with a double point.
But you can also write it with a comma.
Here it comes to the writer, depending on whether he wants to emphasize the word more strongly or weaker.
The comma does not emphasise it as much as with a double point.
I still thank you, because I didn’t even think about the double point and can emphasize it more.
I would take Option 1 because quotation marks are more used for literal speech. So for reproducing words or thoughts.
From 2002 is better than from 2002.