Saturn/Mediamarkt kein lieferzeiteraum abgegeben?

Ich habe letzte Woche Mittwoch etwas bestellt und habe bis jetzt keine Lieferzeitraum bekommen nicht in der E-Mail und auch nicht in der App. Es steht jetzt auch schon seid 6 Tagen ihre Bestellung wird vorbereitet in der App????

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11 months ago

If a purchase agreement has been reached (you have received a corresponding confirmation, not only about the receipt of your request but also about the acceptance of the offer), then you can set an appropriate deadline for delivery.

It should be mentioned, however, that there were holidays. They’re just going to be a little behind them at the moment.

11 months ago

then you must practice yourself in patience

Online orderings last just and even if delivery time is at the beginning, this is not binding

This continues to apply: if you want to have something directly or quickly, then you buy on-site or order stores that are reliable or then by express

11 months ago

Since the order is prepared, no delivery date can be determined.

But you’ve already heard that holidays were? From Friday to yesterday nobody will have worked there.

11 months ago

That’s why I’m always going by Personal once waited 4 weeks

11 months ago

Since there were some holidays, it is delayed. There’s no one working…