SATA zu USB – Adapter für HDDs mit mehr als 2 TB?
Bei allen mir verfügbaren SATA->USB-Adaptern werden HDDs > 2TB immer als mehrere Einzellaufwerke oder gar nicht angezeigt.
Kennt jemand einen solchen Adapter, der auch mit mehr als 2TB richtig umgehen kann, ohne sie zu “zerlegen” oder ignorieren?
Oder gibt’s Tricks, dies anderweitig zu erreichen?
Per google und Konsorten komme ich da einfach nicht weiter, vielleicht suche ich ja auch nur “falsch”!?
For drives up from 2TB, this must be partitioned and formatted in GPT mode, you just want to create a single large partition.
In old MBR mode you can only partition and format drives up to 2TB.
Or multiple partitions with up to 2TB.
In addition, a valid drive letter must also be set under Windows so that this data carrier or its partitions can also be displayed as a drive in the Windows Explorer (or alternatives).
Theme MBR and GPT:
Theme Drive Letters: drive letters-aendern-so-s-4068872.html
I hope I could help.
Thank you for the trouble, but of course I know the MBR/GPT issue. However, GPTs with 2TB are also shown by the usual SATA-USB adapter… the same plate “correct” is correctly installed as a disc. Seems to be an adapter controller.
I have two 3.5″ HDDs (8TB) each in one Alu housing (USB 3.0) hang on my NAS back.
I partitioned this on my PC via Linux Mint and formatted with ext4.
Otherwise, I run several HDDs with 1TB and 2TB, which are partitioned differently and are almost exclusively formatted with NTFS.
Thanks for the tip! If you’ll look, you should work with that part.
Each adapter can only hold the hard drive accordingly partitioned or not formatted or does not assign drive letters. But I hope you have an external power adapter that you use 3.5″ hard drives.
None of my previous adapters can do this! An 18TB plate, e.g. – properly installed by MB-SATA port – is shown as a disk in e.g. data carrier management. Using all my SATA USB adapters as 9 disks with 2TB each.
Make sure you also use GPT partition table and not MBR there you also have 2TB partition limit. The adapter is old or cheap scrap.
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It’s all GPT! Apparently, not all SATA USB controllers can handle it correctly, have not yet found anyone who could. Especially since this is not mentioned in any of the respective technical data.
Could be that your 2TB hard drive is strangely partitioned, best looking at the Windows hard drive partitioning tool.
If the plate has been installed “correctly” in a PC, it showed neither (as on the adapter) 9 individual discs nor partitions, it could be formatted quite normal as a partition with 18TB.
When I connect the plate to the adapter in a formatted manner, it still displays 9 individual discs, the first as an 18TB drive, whether it can be described in this way, is still in the test. The other 8 “disks” are still to be seen… Apparently, conventional SATA-USB adapters cannot handle more than 2TB. Actually unbelievable… and my research hasn’t shown me an adapter that’s better.