Sanktionen Kirchenaustritt?

Kann man eigentlich Sanktioniert werden wenn man Bürgergeld bekommt und aus der Kirche austritt?

Weil es ja zb Alten/Pfelgeheime gibt die in Kirchlicherhand sind.

Es ist ja so das man ohne Konfessionen von denen kaum eingestellt wird.

Und mit einem Kirchenaustritt schmällert man ja seine Chance auf einen Job.

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1 month ago

No, you can’t make a knit. There is freedom of religion in Germany.

1 month ago
Reply to  ZaoDaDong

So in theory!

If you are sorted out for an application, it does not have to be justified.

And then, without you know, this topic can play a very important role!

1 month ago
Reply to  alarm67

Of course, in practice, that’s all, only authorities can’t sanction you.

1 month ago
Reply to  ZaoDaDong

Of course, in a tendencies such as an ecclesiastical retirement home, it is possible to ask for religious membership. This has nothing to do with religious freedom.

1 month ago
Reply to  Hoegaard

Perhaps to grasp the question and the answer again analogously.

1 month ago

In my knowledge, some employers who are supported by the Church, such as hospitals, nursing homes, etc., expect a Christian creed from candidates.

Anyone who makes a limit on “civil money” will hardly be looking for jobs in care; in this respect, he does not need any thoughts about evtl. To make rejections.

Thomas Richter
1 month ago

So I can say from my own experience that the earlier was handled much more strictly. For example, working as a nursing force without confession in a Christian house (e.g. Caritas) was almost impossible. So if you want “free job choice”, you just didn’t quit. Without denomination, one was actually only available to a privatized or public institution.

However, this has now been clearly softened. For example, it is no longer a problem at all if you want to work with the Caritas and, for example, is a Muslim or belongs to a natural religion. It is only important that one lives and does not reject Christian values, e.g. charity. To love his neighbour is not automatically excluded with other religions. Other religions also have such values. As long as you can agree with yourself, this is not a problem.

If you believe in God or Jesus, then it has become rather marginal, that is not the point.

Of course, if you hate people and don’t care about charity, you will hardly get a place in a Christian house. But this could also become difficult in other houses and one should generally consider why one wants to go to the social sector.

Even if you are unconstitutional, this is no longer an exclusion criterion to get a job with an ecclesiastical institution. But what you usually have to do is talk and answer why you have no confession. In the case of comprehensible arguments (e.g. because a neighbor’s child was sexually harassed by a priest and therefore one has no longer felt able to carry on the faith) this is no longer an obstacle.

So just because of the confession, today no applications are “sorted”.

1 month ago

You get a job much harder in church executions, but all other companies don’t care.

For care and so there are enough facilities under another carrier.

In addition, the Church loses importance every year, so in the future it will no longer be relevant.

1 month ago

You can’t!

As a rule, you will also be employed in ecclesiastical establishments as long as you do not go into the leadership! Where there are also differences depending on the exact carrier!

1 month ago

As far as I know not possible

1 month ago

My daughter was even employed as a psychologist in a hospital of the Caritas, although she had escaped from the church years before. She was asked “just” after her ticket. Without this, she would not have been hired.

1 month ago


1 month ago

Thanks for the analysis.

1 month ago
Reply to  Hoegaard


1 month ago

There are no sanctions for a church exit. but then what surprises you that as a non-church member you will not be employed in church institutions? Is it really comprehensible?