Sängerin Nebenberuflich Einkommensteuer?

Hallo zusammen,

ich befinde mich ganz normal Vollzeit in einem Angestelltenverhältnis und möchte durch mein Hobby Geld dazu verdienen.

Ich bin gerade dabei die Selbständigkeit aufzubauen. Ich singe auf Hochzeiten Taufen etc. Ich rechne mit maximal 1-2 Auftritten im Monat (Hauptsaison: Mai-September) somit würde ich im Monat maximal 500€ in dieser Zeit einnehmen. Was im Jahr maximal 2.500-3.000€ ausmacht. 

Ich habe bereits den Fragebogen zur steuerlichen Erfassung ausgefüllt und an das Finanzamt geschickt. 

Wie läuft das mit der Einkommensteuererklärung ab. Kann diese über die „normale“ Lohnsteuererklärung jährlich gemacht werden oder muss diese extra laufen ? 

Muss sie Umsatzsteuer auf ihren Rechnungen angeben ? Hier gibt es doch einen Freibetrag oder?

Vielleicht kennt sich ja hier jemand aus der mir weiterhelfen kann und Erfahrungen teilt. LG

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1 year ago

When did you do that? The limit of 17,500 euros was raised years ago.

What have you crossed in the questionnaire on the Small Business Scheme?

The total turnover calculated on the calendar year will probably not exceed EUR 17,500. The micro-enterprise scheme is used. In invoices, no sales tax is shown separately and no advance tax deduction can be claimed. Note: Information on payload/excess and nominal/actual taxation of the charges is not required; In principle, sales tax pre-registrations are not to be transmitted.


The total turnover calculated on the calendar year will probably not exceed EUR 17,500. The application of the small entrepreneurial scheme is dispensed with. Taxation is carried out in accordance with the general provisions of the VAT Act for at least five calendar years (§ 19(2) UStG); Revenue tax pre-registrations must be transmitted in electronic form authenticated.


1 year ago

I have already completed the questionnaire for tax collection and sent to the tax office.

That’s very good.

How does this work with the income tax statement? Can this be made annually through the ‘normal’ pay tax declaration or must it run extra?

The “normal pay tax declaration” has been the income tax declaration since 1992. You need the S facility where you take your profit from the EÜR. You must send both the income tax declaration and the EÜR electronically to the tax office.

Do they have to give VAT on their invoices?

No because you are a small entrepreneur within the meaning of § 19 UStG. You don’t know any sales tax because you can’t. Your bill contains a reference to the small business.

If you’re wrongly paying sales tax, you still have to pay it to the tax office.

1 year ago

There is no normal pay tax statement.

This thing has been called income tax returns since 1992.

For the Singerei, you must electronically fill out Appendix EÜR, send it to the tax office and enter the determined profit/loss on Appendix S of the income tax statement, which you also need to submit electronically to the tax office.

Whether you write invoices with or without VAT, you have already been informed of the tax registration.

If you have chosen the small business operator, you cannot write invoices with VAT. If you’ve done that, you have to take it off to the tax office.