Samsung Monitor defekt?
Liebe Leute,
mein Monitor ist an meiner PS5 angeschlossen und flackert ab und zu mit einer hohen Geschwindigkeit.
es entsteht ein dunkler Bereich der dann immer wieder normal wird, dabei handelt es sich um die ganze untere Hälfte.
Beim flackern kommt außerdem ein Rauschen auf was man stark hören kann.
Woran kann das liegen, wie kann ich das beheben.
Liebe Grüße und danke.
defective power supply. to the expert and let him judge.
Do you think that’s enough for a new power supply or why should I become a specialist again?
the net part is installed in the monitor (even if you have an external net part). the need to repair
so many thoughts.
If only a broken capacitor is likely to be in the circuit board 🙂
No voltage has to be delivered in the device. Can be measured or even visually recognized if something is wrong on the board. I am still capable of using my multimeter and soldering iron 😅
Of course, mains voltage and voltages far above 230V are also absolutely harmless 🙂 Find yourself the best tripsitter that can drive you into the emergency room if something goes wrong.
Jo thank you for trying this yourself, it is not worth commissioning to a skilled person.