Saldo ohne reservierte Beiträge?
Mich irritiert das Saldo ohne Beiträge. Bei mir steht 135.81CHF aber ich habe mir etwas für 142 CHF bestellt (Vorbestellung). Der Betrag steht bei meinem Banking Reserviert. Nun ich habe auch eine Bestätigung vom Verkäufer bekommen und eine Rechnung. Dort steht “Der gesamte Rechnungs Betrag wurde bezahlt.„ Bekomme ich das was ich bestellt habe?
Let me guess, UBS Bank.
I don’t really check this, but the amount that’s at “available” should be your amount than you have.
If this is the amount of money paid, you don’t have to worry anyway.
Yes UBS Bank😂
I knew:D
The amount is reserved, but not yet booked. Speak, you’ll come to the minus….
I can’t go down.
Well, then the amount is not booked, the seller will not get his money or any money already booked will be recovered. Then you will receive a reminder from the seller, with fees, from the bank we will charge processing fees for the burst transfer….
No, not exactly what do I have to do?
You really didn’t understand what problems are now coming to you, did you?
Yes I just wanted to hear if I still get it:D
After the comment, I feel that you still haven’t understood, but good….. let’s do this:D
Okey apologise for inconvenience and thank you
Kinds….As long as the money has not been debited from your account, nothing is paid, even if your bank has incorrectly confirmed the payment provisionally to the seller. But I already explained that to you.
YES, you will get the product
YES, you will then make a payment request or Receive reminder as your transfer will NOT be executed….
At the seller, however, is the number status “paid” so it has nothing to do with the balance without reserved contributions?
I’ve already told you several times what’s going to happen, and you keep asking the same questions….
I don’t understand balance without reserved contributions.
Seriously: WHAT DO YOU NOT?
Other question:
In the case of payment status, it is paid and in the case of order status it is processed. So do I get the product?
It is mathematically completely logical that a balance of CHF 135.81 is not sufficient to pay CHF 142, is it?
So again: What exactly did you not understand?
It is one with available and one with balance without reserved contributions.
For balance without reserved contributions is CHF 135.81.
Available CHF 10.95
So if it is debited and it’s only 135.81 then the remaining amount of the 10.95 will be debited automatically?
What exactly do you understand?
If there is still CHF 10.95 available it will not be debited from there?