Saite liegt auf Pickup auf?
Hallo.. Nach Monaten Wartezeit, wurde mir meine E-Gitarre aus der Werkstatt zugeschickt. Das Problem wurde behoben, allerdings wurde an den Pickups herum geschraubt. Demzufolge liegt die E-Saite nun auf dem Pickup auf.. Ich habe natürlich versucht ihn runterzuschrauben, aber es geht nicht weiter.. Was kann ich tun? 🙁
Find the thread so that you can screw the screw in.
or there’s something
for the same model, see a picture of whether the string was stretched in the correct direction, e.g. from the bottom to the top and whether the pickup was mounted properly. This may be rotated by 180°
otherwise inform the workshop that they had done something wrong and stopped for free rework
because only one string is too low, it looks as if what is wrong in the vertebral is either incorrectly wound up or too short a swirl
A false winding cannot cause this image.
That’s bullshit. Even if a string was not well wound up on the winding axis of the tuning mechanism, it would be irrelevant for the string height at the tone picker because your instrument has a saddle.
may make several pictures. Swirls are the mechanics to clamp the strings
Too short? So the part you’re turning on to vote? But before the workshop it worked without any problems and the pick-up was not so inclined to one side. I think that the technology was damaged under it and now something is in the way, which is why the pickup is not going to turn further down.
Since it only affects one string, the web seems to be wrong.
Take a picture of the ridge or the whole guitar.