Cream substitute?
Hey, I was just about to make something with this recipe , but I don't have any cream at home. What can I use instead?
Hey, I was just about to make something with this recipe , but I don't have any cream at home. What can I use instead?
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Just milk. Do you have unworn fresh cheese (herbal goes to the emergency), yogurt or cream fraiche? Make half milk and half the other.
It is possible to take only savour, cream fraiche or coconut milk as well as vegan cooking creams as a substitute.
Greek yogurt is also an idea, but if you like to boil it up, so it is not so ideal you can not simmer it.
Schmand goes too. Maybe you have a bag of Chamipnon cream soup or the like at home.
Greek yogurt with 10% fat
Cream Fraiche
All this goes as a cream substitute.
I actually have Greek yogurt, in the recipe I need 200ml cream, how much yogurt should go in?
if it becomes too thick, add some milk or water
As much as you need; Attention, don’t get too hot!
The same amount.