Sagt man bekifft die Wahrheit?
Ich steh auf jemanden uns gestern hatte er halt Gras geraucht und war danach bekifft und ein Freund von ihm hat gefragt ob er was mit mor anfangen würde und da hat er halt “ne ne” gesagt. Aber ich weiß jz nicht ob das stimmt weil er klang halt wirklich so als wäre er nicht ganz bei Sinnen und er hat mir auch davor immer gesagt das er was mit mir anfangen würde und jz wollte ich mal fragen ob wenn man Gras raucht man die Wahrheit sagt?
Hi biscuitmile1,
there is no way to conclude it. You probably thought that you often hear that drunk always tell the truth. Whatever’s wrong, by the way.
What is true is that both substances can reduce the inhibitory threshold to say what one thinks. In other words, some tend to leave the “truth” or what they feel unfiltered. Nevertheless, it can be just as good that he didn’t actually mean it as he said. And it is also possible that he does not even know what he said the next day.
I wouldn’t give too much attention to what people give of themselves in the intoxicated state. Better talk to the person about it when she’s sober.
Best regards
Peter vom DigiStreet-Team der Drughilfe Schwaben
Cannabis is not a truth serum. What someone says under the influence of it is neither per se lied nor per se the truth. In addition, it is possible both sober and intoxicated to misjudge or to communicate incorrectly what you think or feel.
You better talk to the sober person about the topic if you want to know what it is.
General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found here:
People can also lie accused.
Cannabis is not a truth serum
Okay, so thank you for the chance he just said so?
Don’t know him. But everyone can lie or tell the truth, tricked or not
Probably he didn’t even check what was asked