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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

First of all, you should clarify what exactly it is. This is done by Drugchecking which is unfortunately only offered in Germany to a limited extent. If you don’t live in Berlin, you should get at least one test kit and check the substance yourself. What dealers say does not have to vote. I should also ask the question of what are for people who make such substances accessible to 13-year-olds. I wouldn’t trust this man a millimeter. The comparison with pill databases also does not provide security, as there can be serious differences even between optically identical parts.

Once it is ensured that it is actually MDMA, you should make sure that it is mental, emotional and physically good. At least as far as this is possible. Unrecognized diseases, e.g. cardiovascular system, or unfavorable genetic dispositions are not necessarily known. Therefore, you should be careful not to dose too high just the first time. You should even rather dose very low so that the side effects in the case of the case do not fall too violently. The following shall apply: to touch. Since you do not know how to react to the substance, you should take it only in a familiar and controllable environment. Young bodies can react particularly sensitively to such substances.

The dose that should not be exceeded in a session is 1.5 milligrams of active ingredient per kilogram of body weight for healthy adult men and 1.3 mg/kg for women. From this amount, the desired effects hardly increase, the side effects are all the more. This is the maximum dosage, it is much less for a pronounced effect and it can also occur with less unpleasant to dangerous side effects. In the case of parts, the metering is basically more difficult. One should test here with only one piece of a pill and wait for at least two hours before laying down.

There are no such recommendations for minors. The risks associated with consumption are also increased in this stage of life, as the substance can have a negative effect on sensitive development processes. 13-year-olds are urgently advised against consumption.

Apart from this, you should be informed, informed. Not only about the substance itself, but also generally on the subject Safer use. If the Drug emergency you must not be afraid to call the doctor. This has no legal consequences. The obligation to silence applies.

General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found here:

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Thanks very much ⭐

1 year ago

Did you know the questioner was 13 years old?

aalbtraum, UserMod Light
Reply to  Hallo27262

Yes, in my reply, I have received several comments.

1 year ago

I definitely can only guess about that! Please take a distance from that.

1 year ago

On the side of “” you will find all necessary information on safer use of various substances, including MDMA/Ecstasy.

1 year ago

First of all, I advise you about drugs, but if you want to do this, please take into account the rules of the Saferuse.

1 year ago

Apparently I can’t add a picture but google please after the Saferuse

1 year ago

Ask questioner about safer use rules and you advise on safer use rules.

1 year ago
Reply to  aXXLJ

I wanted to add a picture to my answer where the safer use is on it, but it seems that didn’t. But I also commented on it for people to read.

1 year ago

I can’t read.
I use Braille

1 year ago

Environment where you feel comfortable, only use your own things, weigh yourself…

1 year ago
Reply to  timgreiner

She’s 13!

1 year ago

Better leave it and wait until you get older. Really!

1 year ago

Digga you are 13 emma already nice but was once again a few years frfr

1 year ago

You’re much too young… that’s not good for your brain!


1 year ago

On the Inpacktext ð

1 year ago

please ask the emergency doctor in the local hospital