S51 Vergaser Problem?

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Ich besitze eine Simson s51 mit folgenden setup:

Lt51 super d, 5km runter

Bvf 16n1-11, 80HD, 3 nadelkerbe

Alter filu Einsatz

Also zu meinem Problem. Wenn man sie im stand hochdrehen lässt, dreht sie sauber hoch aber danach wenn man vom Gas geht, dreht sie sehr lange nach und stirbt danach ab.

Ich bin echt am verzweifeln, ZZP ist 1.7mm vor OT und falschluft zieht sie nicht.

Hab schon etliche Einstellungen probiert, komme aber nicht drauf.

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2 years ago
Reply to  yakasu

Yes, I would do it like this: First of all, make original condition again and then make only one change – try – next change – try out. So you can get to your ideal setting. Ori HD is 72 at 16n1-11

2 years ago

Moin Yakasu,

My tip is the main nozzle. Have a look at the cylinder kit. 75 and 80 nozzles are recommended. I don’t know how they’re coming to this narrow board. It says:

The following parts are included in the nozzle set option or installed in the 16N1 new carburetor:

75s & 80s main nozzle

How can the a Carburetor two Build main nozzles with different sizes? And 16n1 is just a rough description of a carburetor type until 1986. It is not clear whether it is, for example, the -1, -3, -5, -6, -8, -11 or -12 in which different HDs of 50-80 are installed. Bische vage das Ganze.

However, you use the original carburetor, the -11. And original is a 72 HD. an 80 would be suitable for the gasifier 16n1-3. Just try a 72 HD. Maybe it works better. Evtl. then test the 75s.
Apparently too much fuel is transported into the combustion chamber via the too large nozzle and cannot be completely burned there, which is why the spark plug is drained off.

Alternatively, you could try to see if it works better with the 75s and 80s HD if you catch the partial load needle a notch deeper. Because the deeper, the leaner the mixture.

What does the candle picture say? Wet and dark?

2 years ago

Choke tested?