Ryzen 9 5900x?
Hallo, ich will meine am4 cpu aufrüsten im moment hab ich eine 4070 mit der r9 5900x. Ich habe im internet ein wenig geschaut und irgendwie habe ich das gefühl das es einfach überhaupt keine bessere am4 cpu gibt und das obwohl sie schon 2020 auf dem markt erschien, und die 10fps mehr beim zocken mit einer 5700x3d lohnen sich nicht. Was sagt ihr?
Right. You almost exhausted the AM4 base
I’d rather take the 5700X3D if you don’t need the 4c/8t.
But if your current CPU is enough, it will fit.
Otherwise there’s nothing better for this base.
Yes, but I mean, the one who decides to play with cpu is so big that one thinks what it’s worth? So R9 5900x to 5700x3d?
It’s a bit better at Ryzen 7 5700X3D.
But if it’s worth it for you, you need to know.
As long as you don’t have a bottleneck right now, it’s all right.
Unfortunately, the base is at the end, there’s nothing going to get out of it.
The 5800x3d is 15% faster, but you need to upgrade to AM5 for much more performance.
The problem with the 5800X3D is that it is not worth paying twice compared to the 5700X3D.
Depending on the price, the 5800x3d was always a bit more expensive, but also faster.
Because it’s barely available.
That is why the price has risen extremely.
Why is that so expensive, it should be significantly below 300€.
But the 5700X3D costs about 200€±, the 5800X3D starts slightly up from 400 when you are lucky.
I don’t think that’s worth it.