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5 years ago

Smaller musical instruments such as a cello, a guitar, a violin or a viola, whose dimensions exceed the permissible maximum dimensions for hand luggage, can be carried in the cabin when a separate seat is booked and the price is paid. When booking additional places for equipment there is no additional personal baggage limit and no right to take an additional hand luggage. If you would like to book an additional place for equipment, type the last name “ITEM SEAT” and the first name “EXTRA”. Your booking and online card will then be marked “EXTRA ITEM SEAT”. The data of the travel document of the accompanying passenger must be given at the online check-in. Reserved seats at the emergency exits in rows 1, 16 and 17 cannot be bought if you have already bought an extra seat for more comfort / an item.

5 years ago
Reply to  Domimusic629

You book a seat, and you’ll be called Extra Item Seat.

5 years ago

Either as a baggage or as a hand luggage with its own seat. To book a seat, just book an extra ticket. Instead of entering a name, you enter “ITEM SEAT” and “EXTRA” as name and name.