RX 6600 passende CPU für starke Zukunft?
Hallo, es ist wie es oben steht, ich plane ein Upgrade meiner CPU ; um nicht in einen zu starken GPU Bottleneck zu gelangen, und auch noch eine gute für ein sichere Zukunft falls ein GPU Upgrade kommt (RX 6600 wird langsam alt) plane ich mir eine bessere CPU zu holen, wie schaut es aus bei der Ryzen 5 5600x oder beim 7 5700x3d?
Mainboard wird demnächst auch geupgradet zum Asus Rog strix B550, falls diese Informationen wichtig ist, also ist ein AM4 Sockel schon wichtig zu beachten.
GPU Upgrade kommt irgendwann noch später, erstmal geht’s um die CPU.
AM4 = 5700x3D // which can also operate even faster gpus.
Better AM5 = 7500f
at am5 this is the ding that my ram would have to be upgraded, which makes the budget very scarce, so is the 5700x3d future-proof?
Especially the Ryzen 5 7500F wants to have DDR5-3600 Ram. Otherwise, the roar (aka not the performance he could actually bring) Otherwise AM5 would also be an option for the Ryzen 7 5800x3d. It is only regrettable that we are overwhelmed by the fact that
Well, “future-proof” would be AM5.
But the CPU is not bad. Got the 5800x3D paired with 6900xt and because the CPU right bores frequently. (Comes from high resolution)
Yes should go
The 7800x3d is now at 506€, but October 24“ was below 400€.
The 7500f is just at 157€. Would the then pair with G.Skill Flare x5 DDR5-6000 32GB for 113€
Yes, my bad. Actually thought the Ryzen 7 7800x3d. It’s AM5. And to the 7500f: It needs DDR5-6000 RAM
You’re throwing some stuff together.
DDR5 3600mts?? I don’t think so.
Just as little there is an AM5 ryzen 5800x3D… That’s a AM4 CPU.
then I will look again for AM5, otherwise I decide for the 5700x3d, and upgrade my GPU in the coming months to 👍🏻
What do you have for a processor?
The Ryzen 5 5600 and Ryzen 7 5700x3D are both good processors. Especially the latter also carries even stronger graphics cards.
Buy new or I wouldn’t upgrade that anymore. Since then rather put on the AM5 socket, this is the better option in the long term
currently an AMD Ryzen 5 3400G, which, however, gives me knowledge of a strong bottleneck of my Gpu, my games run I find no longer liquid: Valorant 140fps Low Graphic, with 240hz monitor unfortunately noticeable
Yes, there is an upgrade
If you want to buy something for a long time, you’d rather get something with AM5 socket, i.e. from Ryzen 7000 or later, then you can still upgrade the CPU for the next few years and have a motherboard and RAM that you can keep for a few years in the upgrade.
AM4 is sometimes quite at the end of his lifetime, although there are still a few new CPUs out there, but this will soon end.
Unfortunately, I have to look at the money, I am also very interested in am5 but the price is slightly higher there ^^ what suitable CPU would be good for the RX 6600 with the 5 socket?
Here I would take the R5 7500f. This is an R5 7600 without graphics unit & minimally lower clock. Costs about 143€ plus cooler. If you want to stay with the Boxed cooler, take the R5 7600 for about 163€.
If you want to stay at AM4, I would rather go to Ryzen 5700X or 5700X3D
Depends on what’s more important to you, a little more power or a little less power consumption, the 5700x needs less power and is sufficient in my eyes, just if you don’t have a 4k monitor and want to play at the highest settings.
Why don’t you just keep your mainboard?
True, the RAM type is ddr5. am5 with ddr4 there’s nothing,or think must be on the am4 stick since I had bought new RAM on my current ddr4 AM4 motherboard XD
A matching AM5 Mobo costs about 135€: https://geizhals.de/gigabyte-b650-eagle-ax-a3108584.html?hloc=at&hloc=de
32GB Ram with usable clock & latency from about 100€: https://geizhals.de/g-skill-flare-x5-black-dimm-kit-32gb-f5-6000j3038f16gx2-fx5-a2921918.html?hloc=at&hloc=de
because of ram you shouldn’t hang on am4.used ddr4 ram is practically worthless. if you need a new mainboard, you can throw out the ram right away.AM5 is, however, a haunted platform, and the AM4 mainboards offer enough relentlessness for half eternality, since there is still nix noticeably faster than the 5800x3d tire.
Hey so with the Ryzen 5 5600x you have garkein to little Bottleneck comes to what you do or play