meine Mutter hat mir gerade erzählt das ihr Opa aus tataristan kommt ich habe mal gegoogelt und da stand russische Republik.
wenn jetzt die Opa/Omas von meiner Mutter tataren waren also Russen bin ich dann auch ein Russe oder halb Russe?weil meine ganze Familie sind Türken.
When your mother’s grandpa came from Tatarstan, he was probably not a Russian, but Tatare, a member of a Turkvolke. It also says that he – or his family – went to Turkey. In Turkey, there are many descendants of Tatarstan Volgatars, Crimean Tatars and other Turks from the territory of the former USSR. It doesn’t mean that you’re Russian, half-joint or something. You are simply a member of the multi-ethnic mixture, which today envisages Turkey.
What is your nationality?
Danch decides what you are. The rest are silly attachments to Nazis-racism with their Achtel-something…
My great-grandfather was Italian, which means that I am an Italian.
First, you have the nationality that is in the pass… no matter where the ancestors come from. There is no Turkish or Russian race.
The Russian foederation consists of different peoples who have been conquered at some point.
Secondly, the Tatars of Turk people are therefore Osmsnen, Turks… and no Russians because this state has occupied its country (if the Crimean Tatars are meant)
By the way, this applies to many countries. In the usa live 2 or 3% amercans … the rest stem from immigrants, volunteers from Europe, involuntary from Africa, visiting workers from Asia.