
hey hab heute ein paar alte Stricksachen meiner mutter gefunden und wollte etwas stricken… jetzt hab ich aber gesehn das sie nur eine rundstricknadel übrig hat und sonst nichts und wollte fragen was man NUR mit einer rundstricknadel und wolle machen kann

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2 years ago

You don’t have to knit round. You can also work “normally back and forth.

2 years ago

You can do anything about it.

round knitting needles relieve the wrists and shoulders when knitted back and forth.

If you match the wool to your clothing style and you wear the material on the skin, you could knit a loop scarf to try it in the round.

in the net there is a baptism free wires.

you could also try out pillow cases – or just make a scarf

2 years ago

You can do whatever you want. Whether you have 2 knitting needles or a circular knitting needle is completely indifferent.