Mixing bowl / bowl made of stainless steel without a folding rim/slot/gap?
Is there a bowl without slots on the edge? Whether it's made of thicker metal or welds or something similar, I don't care.
Is there a bowl without slots on the edge? Whether it's made of thicker metal or welds or something similar, I don't care.
hi guys I bought a new oven and would like to know if I should unplug it from the socket when not in use and why I should do that, and if not, why not. hope someone knows. thanks and greetings thekillerr96
Unfortunately, I only have blank paper. But I want to bake muffins, is that possible?
There are 2 methods according to the packaging Microwave or pot with a little water
I don't have any at home anymore, so I need a pack. Can I just leave it out?
For example, a microwave. It's not meant to be a Christmas present. I'm asking purely out of financial interest. So I'm more likely to find bargains now or after Christmas.
Sicher, ich hab noch nie eine Schüssel mit Schlitz gesehen. Edelstahl ist umgeknickt und verschweißt. Gibst bei Müller, Galeria, den Billigmärkten. in den Shoppingstraßen