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Will mein Kieferorthopäde mich abziehen?
Ich war beim Kieferorthopäden wegen meiner Kieferfehlstellung und einer Zahnspange, auf dem Brief steht das ich Behandlungsgrad 5 hab, jedoch steht dann dort, das meine Krankenkasse nicht verpflichtet ist, diese zu zahlen, aber normalerweise zahlt diese, ab Grad 5. Kann mir wer weiterhelfen
Habe ich einen Überbiss?
Habe ich einen
Alternative zur Zahnbrücke?
Gibt es nach der Zahnbrücke noch andere Möglichkeiten zum Zahnschutz?
Wurzelbehandelter Zahn?
Hallo und zwar hatte ich ein wurzelbehandlung und die Krone kann erst in 6 Monaten eingesetzt werden nun habe ich aber in 2 Wochen meinen dienstantritt ist das schlimm?
This is one of the few things that I do at least once a year in Germany, therefore also the contact via e-mail, a call from the Japanese mobile radio network still costs a small fortune;-)
I’m the easiest to find.
I’d still be safe.
The data from the patients is anyway on foreign servers that makes no difference.
I’m totally insane. He is not yet ready with online and so 🤷 ♂️, although he is otherwise extremely advanced.
Mega annoying. So sometimes I’ll put an appointment 2-3 months in front of me.
Internet is New Zealand
Well, he even has a webcam for 20 years, you can see if a parking space is free 🤷 ♂️ You can watch videos during the treatment. He has also used 25 years of Cerec and Co. Totally advanced because his brother is from IT. Bleaching and Co.
I’m really annoyed at the dates. Look how easy the TÜV is for the car. You’re doing your appointment online right now, ready. Mega easy.
Only after 2-3 days will an email respond. When you call it, you don’t get through, or you don’t get in there forever, because the staff (has several) is probably in the room.
I accidentally pressed by phone, but actually I do it differently.
I have to go to the orthodontic hospital every 5-6 weeks. Only if the orthodontic guy sees something and says I’m supposed to be a dentist, which has never happened before. At the kieferorthopäden I always make an appointment at my next appointment
Doctor’s appointments – whether with the dentist or with any other doctor – I basically agree only by phone.
online is too ” impersonal ” – in addition, you can clarify various questions when calling. for an online appointment, you should wait for a meher hour or even days.
I don’t have a Bock 😉
Hmm, I always go personally.
Treatment online… I’m curious about 😉
And I’ll take the next (control) term right away.
Or what do you mean by your question?
Got your own dentist. It’s practical. He usually comes the same day.
Telephone. Or if I’m with the dentist for a check I’ll get out the next time
b.t.w. Please do not enter tons of unused tags.
Would do it online if they offered it.
I’ll make an appointment by phone
Always by phone. Thus we can immediately clarify what is present and the practice plans accordingly all other dates.
The easiest.