Rücksende Etiket von Amazon bei der Post drucken?
Hallo, ich hab ein großes Problem ich habe mir etwas bestellt bei Amazon aber es hat nicht das entsprochen was ich eigentlich wollte. Deswegen habe ich eine Rücksendung angefragt aber ich hab leider kein QR Code erhalten sondern einen Strichcode. Kann man den Strichcode bei der Post drucken lassen? Wenn nicht wie frage ich Amazon an ob ich ein QR Code bekommen kann?
Ich hab nähmlich kein Drucker oder Ähnliches.
danke schon mal im Voraus <3
LG :*
The bar code is normal what has to be in the package.
Amazon or the seller there does not always have to send a return sticker to you when returning. If you have to pay the return yourself, you won’t get anything.
Photo of the return ticket could possibly help.
So print a picture of the return ticket at the drugstore or how?
Ne, set here to know what kind of code it is, and possibly to give you a more accurate answer.
Oha 🫣 Did not pay attention to the speed either. All good 😊
Um, I didn’t ask the question, but only replied in the comment. I know how this goes with the barcodes, have a UPS Access Point and a GLS Shop. Very just that I commented on you instead of the questioner.
You don’t have to write me what I already know. If you don’t want to picture the label, it’s okay. Then I can’t help you. 👋🏻
The bar code is scanned and the label is then printed on site. It’s DHL or another sender. Amazon returns run very often over UPS.
Yeah, I know! But without seeing the label, I cannot give you an exact answer.
It is a return code or labeled by Amazon, not a QR code but a bar code
Go to the post and ask. Questions are good.
What do I do when they say no?
Then contact the Amazon support.