Rückfall nach 10 Monate?


mein Freund hatte gestern einen Ko… Rückfall nach einer erfolgreichen Therapie und 10 Monate Abstinent. Er hat insgesamt 10 Jahre wirklich hart konsumiert..Er hat es geplant und mich versucht bis zum bitteren Ende anzulügen und komplett für d*mm zu verkaufen. Mein Vertrauen ist natürlich weg obwohl ich ihm nie so richtig vertraut hab. Kann man einem Ex-Junkie überhaupt vertrauen?

Mir geht’s unbeschreiblich elend, ich weiß nicht wie es ihm geht.. Ich weiß nur, dass ihm gerade alles wieder über den Kopf steigt. Wir hatten die letzten paar Wochen mehr Streit, ich habe ihm leider Vorwürfe gemacht und bin ihm mit Misstrauen begegnet.

Wie geht’s jetzt weiter? Gehören Rückfälle wirklich dazu? Wie soll ich damit umgehen? Steckt er jetzt wieder drin da er auf den Geschmack gekommen ist? Diese Unsicherheit treibt mich in den Wahnsinn. Ich habe mit ihm schon eine sehr harte Zeit durchgemacht und ich habe so Angst, dass uns/mich das gleiche wieder erwartet.

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5 months ago


thank you for your openness! Great that you want to get some advice and use the knowledge here!

You seem to know a lot about the past experiences.

May I ask if during his therapy you had a conversation with the therapist or the therapist?

Often you make such a framework, so-called emergency plans.

What I can recommend to you to go to a family advice, because as you write (and that is also absolutely understandable and correct) you want to know how to handle yourself and what you can do. There’s a place to help you.

You could do this either on site https://www.dhs.de/service/search assistance directory <- here you can find advice centres) or also use an online offer: https://www.suchtberatung.digital/

You can also write to me privately here if you have any questions or want to exchange yourself.

One more short info to me: I belong to a team of professional social workers who are on the net in search. We try to support and advise users, in particular on addiction and consumption. Our offer is of course free and anonymous.

Best regards

Hannah from the DigiStreet team of drug help Schwaben gGmbH

5 months ago

Is there really any falls?

Unfortunately yes! The relapse rate for drugs is between 60 and 90%, depending on the drug.

He planned it and tried to lie to the bitter end and sell completely for d*mm.

A relapse can usually not be planned – I guess he had already started using drugs before. Yesterday’s incident was apparently “just” a crash and the actual fall took place days or weeks before. For this reason, he says that he has already built up lying buildings in advance.

How can I handle it?

Get away from him! You can’t prevent him from breaking, but you can make sure he doesn’t tear you into the abyss! Tell him you’re here for him as long as he’s “clean” – but as long as he consumes, he can’t (more) count on you! You must be selfish now!

I’ve been through a very hard time with him and I’m so afraid that we’ll have the same thing again.

I can’t take that fear.

5 months ago

You’re not his therapist, and you’re not obligated to help him through this phase when it burdens you. Please don’t feel responsible. It is completely legitimate to draw a final line here.

5 months ago

Turn to a drug consultancy – also like to get to the one from – and make yourself smart about Wikipedia, what it has with the term ‘co dependency’.