Rückerstattung ohne Zurücksenden geht nicht TEMU?
Ich hatte paar kaputte sachen in meiner Temu Bestellung und wollte sie zurückerstatten aber auf einmal musste ich sie zurücksenden der “temu bot” sagte es geht gerade nicht mehr.
Wisst ihr warum?
Sollte ich einfach einen 2. account machen ??
First return, then there is a refund, and that is actually the normal case.
You cannot simply withdraw from the contract and expect to be able to retain the article, the trader will in principle only be able to improve it (cf. BGH NJW 05, 1348; OLG Saarbrücken NJW 09, 369). If you want to revoke the contract (§ 312g I BGB), you must also return the article if the dealer insists on it.
You can forget these charts at Temu, which are not sitting in the EU
In the case of consumer contracts, the right of the country in which the consumer has its usual place of residence shall apply. If a German consumer has a defect, the BGB’s requirements also apply.
You don’t need to link me to the VZ, I worked there myself :’D
Temu (Whaleco Technology Ltd.) has its registered office in Ireland (EU Member State), the German warranty rights are quite regular.
How simple it is not
You have complained too much and you are no longer believed.
The trader is right, if the goods are lacking, he has 2 repair attempts, and of course he also has the right to review the goods. If your complaint is entitled, the dealer must refund the return costs.
I have free return but before I could keep the war
Yeah, and that was noticed. You think you’re misusing the system, that’s what you’re testing now.
Sure – is actually normal that you only get replacement or money when you return the charged True.
You have no right to both – the merchandise and the money
but actually it was with me earlier and still with my friends
And that was just to attract new customers.
You don’t have the right to receive anything.
Also not on free return
This is not your right, but the cunning of the seller.
That’s right with the new customers I’ve been thinking
Normal from a certain sum
no because it was with a 16 euro product now not with a 60ct product
Yes – because they don’t believe you anymore! You just too often have “sucked” in total…
Send hold back and good is
There’s hardly anyone to check! That’s too much effort. Now it goes automatically as it becomes “sufficient” for you
but I always sent pictures
Just try again tomorrow.
Okay, I’ll look again tomorrow after 👌
does not work yet
no is not normal
Of course. Defective product against refund. Or do you want to cheat and the goods aren’t really broken in the end?
And the seller has, among other things, no bell to refund the payment without returning the goods
she’s broken but I don’t have a jack kind of stuff to send back the 2 euro or less